Bernstein Law firm got its first computer in 1971. It was bigger than a refrigerator! We’ve all come a long way. It might be an old story, but I continue to marvel at how our firm’s technology use allows me to “place shift” by staying connected working in whatever location I happen to find myself. Recently, Ellie and I spent a couple of weeks vacationing in Florida. With my Mac, IPad and IPhone, it was easy for me to connect with clients, debtors, adverse parties and Courts when necessary. It permitted me to stay involved as required. All of them have programs or apps to allow connection to our Terminal Services so I can be viewing and using all of my office programs from the beach if need be, Of course, the other side is that I was not truly “vacated,” but I would prefer my disconnectedness in small doses, knowing that I can get stuff done tomorrow or this afternoon. I know there are different views about how connected to be. Please share your perspective.