A: Most servicers expect Pennsylvania foreclosures to be completed within 270 days after placement with counsel. Under normal circumstances, the Bernstein system guarantees sales within 210 days-60 days faster! Here’s how it works: We will quote a normal fee for an uncontested foreclosure. Then, in any Pennsylvania county with regular Sheriff sales, we guarantee a sale within 210 days after placement. In those counties without regular sales, we guarantee our foreclosure instructions will be delivered to the Sheriff within 150 days of placement. For every day later than these deadlines, we will reduce the foreclosure fee you pay by 3/4 of 1 percent. That means if we get to sale in the “normal” 270 days, we will still reduce the foreclosure fee by 40 percent! For more information on our Expedited Foreclosure System ©, call 800-693-4013.